Hi! I'm Erik. ![[erikavatar.jpg|200]] I'm a millennial electrical and computer engineer that loves to build and make things. I have an *amazing* wife who tolerates the neverending projects and hobbies. During the day, I'm the Director of Operations for a manufacturing company and spend much of my week playing with industrial robots and CNC automation systems. You can find me on [Printables](https://www.printables.com/@erikbuild), [GitHub](https://github.com/erikbuild), and [Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@erikreynolds). I'm also an Amateur Extra radio operator and you can occasionally find me operating under my callsign, **_WW1E_**, using the excellent [RemoteHamRadio](https://www.remotehamradio.com) or outside running portable on my Elecraft KX3. Email? hi at erik dot build. My interests are varied, but I spend a lot of time working on cooking (and baking bread), 3D printing, 3D design (largely Fusion 360 and Solidworks), programming (Ruby on Rails, Arduino), and DIY around the house. # Making Some recent projects: - [Gridfinity IFIXIT Mako Screwdriver Kit Holder (3x2 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210211-gridfinity-ifixit-mako-screwdriver-kit-holder-3x2) - [Gridfinity IFIXIT Spudger and Pry Bar Holder (2x1 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210205-gridfinity-ifixit-spudger-and-pry-bar-holder-2x1-b) - [Gridfinity IFIXIT ESD Tweezers Holder (1x1 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210203-gridfinity-ifixit-esd-tweezers-holder-1x1-base) - [Gridfinity XACTO Gripster Holder (1x1 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210201-gridfinity-xacto-gripster-holder-1x1-base) - [Gridfinity ENGINEER PA-07 Wire Stripper Holder (1x1 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210183-gridfinity-engineer-pa-07-wire-stripper-holder-1x1) - [Gridfinity ENGINEER PA-14 Wire Stripper Holder (1x1 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210192-gridfinity-engineer-pa-14-wire-stripper-holder-1x1) - [Gridfinity ENGINEER PZ-57 Screw Pliers Holder (1x1 base) by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210195-gridfinity-engineer-pz-57-screw-pliers-holder-1x1) - [Gridfinity Kynar 30awg Bodge Wire Spool Holder (1x1 base) - Parametric by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1210200-gridfinity-kynar-30awg-bodge-wire-spool-holder-1x1) - [Gridfinity Electrical Tape Holder (2x2 base) - Parametric by erikbuild \| Download free STL model \| Printables.com](https://www.printables.com/model/1180667-gridfinity-electrical-tape-holder-2x2-base-paramet) - [Blink Mini 2 Privacy Cover](https://www.printables.com/model/1088070-blink-mini-2-privacy-cover)